Bad ass rocker chics will chew you up and spit you out! Shes the girl you dream about all sweet and sassy till you become less than useful and then she will drop you faster than a hot Ramen in a cracked cup. If shes gonna talk all pretty and make you feel all magical when shes got another dood in her bed at night well then your getting your just desserts. shes eating hers. You might find that you finally got your karma. Clearly you made a huge mistake when you moved on from the good girl you should have treasured. Oh well to bad for you. Enjoy the lesser than who obviously thinks your even lesser than as well. Regrets I'm sure you both have quite a few. I'm gonna give it a month. who wants to place bets?
{{P.S. its pretty obvious that your patterns are soooo predicable, I hope plain Jane reads this blog and can read how transparent you are. We can see you making Kisseyfacees at other girls already. Once a dog always a dog. }}
Hair Ploom stephine candy packs
Dress Little Bones Venus Afternoon Dress - Blue SL fashion Week
Sweater [M.o.W.] Open Cardigan Black
Stockings T.Whore Punk Stocking - fushia
Boots DN Natas Boots - Black Skulls 100 Block event
PixelMode diamond addition Nails
Unicorn Headband Noodles - Be a unicorn Headband majestic Rainbow
RO Megahertz Earphones 100 block event
.o. the 2late2 #rupologize word plate necklace - Pink SL fashion week
Sunglasses [contraption] melt down shades Teal
[PL] Sloppy pop - lavender 100 block gatcha
*Luckie* Adorable Kittie Ring (bubble gum) the black market event
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