Both of these dresses are exclusive to paper.doll V.I.P group members only! Not a V.I.P? Just click the V.I.P group sign at the main store and follow the link in local chat to join! With your enrollment fee you receive monthly exclusive gifts!!

Also Available in 11 different colors! Each color purchase includes both plain and argyle versions

Available in 5 colors Fairiest Dress!

And dark magic!

Yesterday the ZombiePopcorn Dark Magic Winter started! It's being held on the Sketch Pad sim, so take a look at the pictures below and take the landmark to see it all! ALSO the PaperDoll December V.I.P gift is out now!! This month your V.I.P gift is the new Bambi dress, in 2 exclusive colors for group members only! These dresses will be out in 10 additional colors in a few days, along with more new releases! Hit the Zombie popcorn hunt and find tons more amazing things to spend your lindens on!
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